Product ID : 54931
Category :
Item fabric : Linen Cotton
Belt Included : No
Garment Care : Other
Designer note : Additional work will be subject to additional fees.
Most items are custom/bespoke/pre-order and made to your exact measurements unless otherwise specified by the designer or boutique. In the comment box, you can either add existing item measurements , your body measurements, or select a standard size based on your height and overall body size.
Click here to view our size guide
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Duration : 5 - 8 Days
I am attracted by the traditional artistic works practiced by many oriental women who are full of creativity in the engraving of bedspreads and hand engravings in clothes and abayas.. which encouraged me to open a store for abayas and clothes in the year 2005, and thank God the demand for my products and designs that I make from Bahrain and the Gulf countries
God bless everyone for what is good and blessing.