I am Shaima. Creativity is my middle name. It is reflected in my work at Brand Dubai as city branding manager, where I am responsible for unique and extraordinary ideas for this amazing city we live in. My aspiration is to inspire and be inspired. Working with artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs is part of my work. It’s a blessing, I am a passionate supporter of people with big dreams and incredible success stories. From extraordinary to simplicity, my style tells my story. It reflects who I am, what I love, and what I believe in. In my wardrobe, you will find my taste and my personality in everything I choose. A splash of color for the places I travel, an edgy symmetrical design for work, or a combination of both for a great night with friends and family. My dream? Simply to love and live life to the fullest...and this little corner here is specially to share a part of who I am with you.