Product ID : 17946
Category :
Most items are custom/bespoke/pre-order and made to your exact measurements unless otherwise specified by the designer or boutique. In the comment box, you can either add existing item measurements , your body measurements, or select a standard size based on your height and overall body size.
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shipping from
United Arab Emirates
Duration : 2 - 5 Days
QNTM is a premium activewear brand for all bodies, beliefs and backgrounds. We are made in the region, for the women of the region. The current collection is made in the UAE with custom imported fabrics and select items embellished with Swaorvski crystals.
We focus on the quantum because we believe in the power of even the smallest voice. We believe that the clothes we wear shape the people we become, so we believe in making clothes for you. With inclusivity and relativity at our core, we are drivers of our community.
Inspired by the soft, natural colors and texture of our land, a combination of bespoke fabrics and luxury embellishments create movement and lifestyle pieces.